Important Update… Back Open From Wednesday 11am!!!

Important Update… Back Open From Wednesday 11am!!!

I am delighted to announce the decision has been made by the health & safety director to open the gym & spa from Wednesday 11am following the weekends roof storm damage..

Please note the following:

The access building will be from the side of the building ( approx 5 meters before you reach the front door as if you are coming from the town centre ) . …. There will be plenty of staff around to guide members and spa guests along with signs ….

Unfortunately the top floor of the mill will be closed for approx a two to three week period to allow for storm damaged roof repairs which does mean there will be no classes in the main studio , spin studio and multi use studio … ON SAFETY GROUNDS THERE WILL BE NO ACCESS TO THE TOP FLOOR …. A normal class timetable will run in studio 2

We do expect front door access to resume in approx 7 days …. Due to the side access to the building there will unfortunately be no access to the swimming pool and spa for males until the front door access is deemed safe ……. Females will still enjoy normal access to the spa and pools..

All the gym and changing rooms with showers will be normal…

Regent Street is still closed off for cars and has limited pedestrian access.

From Thursday normal club opening times will resume with the above facilities.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the builders and the safety director for turning a pretty serious situation on Sunday around to us opening 3 days later …

I will obviously keep you all updated when ever I can.

The staff are available by phone on 01159461041 until 11pm Tuesday and from 6am to assist in any way they can

Mark Clifford


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